
What would you think of a “virtual” wine fair? At first glance, it may seem a bit ridiculous. How do you taste wine if it’s virtual? But that’s not the goal of this particular wine fair. It’s a strictly professionals only affair. The aim of the 3D Wine Fair is to get wine professionals together,...

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Whining about wineblogging:What’s the Point?

I got a comment recently that I found quite amusing. Seems another wineblogger was taking me to task for attending an event sponsored by a wine company, enjoying it and writing a fun post about it. What I think he’s missing is that wineblogging has evolved. It’s about more than a wine review,  it’s about the...

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The Wine Gang challenge

How do you buy smarter and drink better wines? That’s the question that was posed to us winebloggers by The Wine Gang and Robert McIntosh from Wine Conversation. It’s all  part of an effort to showcase winebloggers to wine lovers at the upcoming Wine Gang Christmas Fair  at Vinopolis on Nov.7th. 5 lucky bloggers are...

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