Guilty pleasures

"guilty wines"
It all started innocently enough as a joke at the pub after a London blogging event. What to eat when it’s cold and miserable outside? Well, I was hanging with a bunch of food bloggers, what other topic of conversation would you expect? When I mentioned my cheesy sausage biscuits that were so good you’d want to “slap yo’ mamma” or “slap your mum” as Lizzie so charmingly put it ( I can’t imagine slapping anyones mum but yo’ mamma – now that’s a whole other ball of wax), the challenge was on to bring the tastiest, most comforting food for a cold winter’s nite.

Niamh, starting off the evening right!
So, one cold February eve, Eatlikeagirl (Niamh), FoodStories (Helen), Cheeseandbiscuits (Chris), Hollowlegs (Lizzie), BibendumDan, and me, TheWinesleuth had a little get-together at my house. We started off with mojitos and straight-up gin martinis before heading off into the food and wine tasting.

noodles and spam!!
I think we all reverted to childhood for this one. On the menu we had Mac and Cheese with bits of bacony goodness(Niamh), Marmite sandwiches with cucumbers (Helen) – note, add the cucumbers just before eating otherwise the sandwiches get soggy, Bovril on toast (Chris)but not any old toast, make sure you use artisanal sourdough bread, spread on orangic butter first and THEN spread on the Bovril, my Cheesy sausage biscuits (me), and Ramen noodles with…get ready for it…..SPAM!! (Lizzie) Yup, fried spam and it was the biggest hit of the evening, although I think my biscuits were a close runner up (the secret ingredient is Bisquik). I, however, have discovered a new love of all things made from beef or yeast extracts and was reminded of my childhood breakfast companion- Spam.

a properly stocked fridge
Rather then bring a guilty pleasure to eat, Dan decided to do a bit of blind winetasting and brought a selection of Bibendum wines for us to taste and vote on. His theme was everyday wines you’ll probably like’ vs. ‘posher wines you should like but might not’. I have these cool wine bags that I got for Christmas and last night was their inaugural performance. They worked like a charm.

#2 and tweetdeck
We had 3 sets of wines. First up were two whites. Wine #1 we all agreed was quite alcoholic and buttery but drinkable. Wine #2, I thought had a much more subtle nose, more balanced fruit, well integrated oak and lovely acidity. The foodies didn’t really care for it until they tried it with a cheesy biscuit, then it started winning converts, the acidity cutting through the fat and complementing the cheesiness. When the vote came down, you can guess which one I preferred. Wine #2 which was a 1er cru ’03 Meursault. I think it was a tie. Wine #1 was Katnook Founders Block ’07 Chardonnay.

Next set were rosés. Wine #3 was a candy apple red, strawberry cheesecake scented concoction. It was rather sweet for a rose and quite a few people thought it could’ve been a dessert wine, even though it wasn’t. Wine #4, pale, salmon coloured, slight red fruit nose, nice and dry, a bit zippy with more red fruits on the palate. Very quaffable. When the votes came down, Wine #4, the Provençal from Chateau des Sarrins Cotes de Provence ’07 Rose was the big vote getter. Wine #3 was a California white zin, the ’07 Delicato.

bloggers at work

The last pairing of the evening were the big guns. 2 reds going head to head. By this time, it was apparent that it was Old World vs. New and that’s exactly what we got. Wine #5, big and heavy, loads of stewed blackcurrants and black plums, black fruits, hints of oak, as I recall. Wine #6, blackcurrants, leather, very earthy, graphite perhaps and cigar box/cedary flavours and aromas with a lovely tannic backbone to support it all. Another great food wine. This one lost out to Wine #5, Los Alamos 06 Cabernet Sauvignon but Dan and I preferred Wine #6, the Les Tourelles de Longueville 2003, Pauillac.
Chris also brought a couple of ales and stouts but I’m no expert on those, although the Meantime Stout was a chocolate bomb, don’t think I could drink more than half a pint of that!
All in all, a lot of fun and of course we twittered the evening. Check out the foodies sites (see above) for recipes – c’mon Lizzie give up the recipe for spammy ramen noodles, you know you want to!
Recipe for Cheesy Sausage Biscuits:
2 cups Bisquik (must be Bisquik, plain flour won’t do)
1 pound of sausage- I used Sainsbury’s herby sausages, taking off the casing, but if you can get spicy sausage, even better
10 oz grated mature cheddar cheese
Combine all ingredients until they form a nice round ball. I find you really need to just get in there with your hands to get the job done. Don’t add any water just keep kneading. Roll into golf ball sized balls and bake at 350 degrees F for about 15 to 20 mins or until they turn golden brown. And then….Watch out, mamma!

guilty as charged
- Hairy armpits and the guilty pleasures dinner « The Winesleuth - [...] in February I had a guilty pleasures dinner at my house with some of my foodie blogger friends. We had so…
- Guilty pleasures dinner - the video « The Winesleuth - [...] the video I was going through my video footage the other day and found this snippet from the Guilty Pleasures…
- Guilty! Guilty Pleasures Dinner Party « eat like a girl - [...] lovely, and very naughty with that white processed bread. I’ll make them again. Denise (The Wine Sleuth) our lovely host, followed…
- Guilty! Guilty Pleasures Dinner Party « eat like a girl - [...] marmite sandwiches, they were quite good, and very naughty with that white processed bread. Denise (The Wine Sleuth) our…
Lol, I laughed reading this! Such a great night. Thanks again for hosting. Looking forward to our pork belly summit 🙂
Thanks, Niamh! It was a lot of fun, I’m scouring the pork belly recipes as we speak.
Cheesy sausage biscuits – wow – I’ll definately be having a go at those…..sausage and cheese – just missing alcohol of some kind to include all the necessary food groups.
Sounds like loads of fun – wine, beer, food and friends. There is just one question: What paired best with the Ramen and Spam??
Hi Ribbie, what else would go with spam but a nice rose (the French are probably howling with rage at that!).
Dan, I would go with a Meursault for the cheesy sausage biscuits. You can get Bisquik at Waitrose in the baking section and try making them with spicy sausage!!
Hi Liza, Trader Joe’s has frozen cheesy sausage biscui?!?!!? I do miss America sometimes…I heard the words “pork belly” being tossed around for the next dinnner 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Looks like you had a fantastic time! However, the notion of what constitutes “comfort food” is always fascinating to me, because it’s not only based on your culture, but on your family. Most people choose items they ate regularly at a very young age.
True childhood comfort food would be Cosco bought frozen turkey tetrazini for me – something I would never consider in a million years today if it weren’t for a specific event like yours. And I can’t even place blame on my culture, as it was my father’s weekly goal to get an inhuman amount of bulk food for my family to save money. (I assume that the spam might have a similar story behind it 😉 )
What are the stories behind these comfort foods? Where they familiar based or something that has been created in the recent passed?
Hi Ray, what constitutes comfort food is probably an endless topic of discussion. Speaking of Cosco, I remember these frozen taquitos that my cousin used to buy that came with frozen guacamole. Not the most authentic but to this day, I can’t pass them up. I’m not sure about the others stories but my cheesy biscuits always remind me of family gatherings when I was a kid and then I rediscovered them years later when I lived in Wash., DC at house parties (lots of transplanted southerners) there.
So glad I read this way after dinner as all sounds delicious especially the wine and biscuits. Kudos to you for making form scratch! Xandria and I snarfed the frozen ones from Trader Joe’s. But you are absolutely right: Bisquick is better!
Excellent write-up – recipe for Spam ramen noodles coming up…
Those cheesy sausagey biscuits were soooo good.
Thanks for coming and sharing your spamen noodles recipe. I totally forgot how tasty spam is! Glad you liked the biscuits, did it make you want to slap yo’mamma? 😉
Great write up Denise! I love the picture at the end – ‘guilty as charged’ indeed! Your cheesy biscuits were definitely a highlight for me. Gotta get me some Bisquick..
Thanks, Helen! and thanks for turning me on to the wonders of marmite! see you at the next one!