Learning to ask for more than foie gras and Sauternes, Babble: an online gastronomic language course

A friend recommended this site to me the other day and I thought it was worth posting about seeing as I’m always saying I should really learn French (and Italian and Portuguese) for my numerous trips abroad. You’d think my French would be pretty good by now! But anyway, the website called babbel.com offers online language learning courses and has, of course, it’s own online app.
What really caught my attention and why I’m thinking of giving it a go is their Gastronomy and Wine course. According to their blog, “…you’ll be able to learn in seven languages how to describe wine, talk about everything from vegan (who cares? – winesleuth note) to molecular cuisine and unlock the secrets of herbs and spices (now that might be very useful from a wino’s point of view – winesleuth note ;)).”
I guess I could stretch beyond foie gras and Sauternes so it may very well be useful, then again, I DO love me some foie gras and Sauternes….
Find out more about Babble here