Upcoming – Cuban cigars & Caribbean Rum at the Bluebird

It’s that time of year again. That’s right, it’s time for the Bluebird’s summertime cigar extravaganza! Last year, Penny, manager of the Wine Cellar at the Bluebird put on a fantastic evening of fine aged Cognac and Cuban cigars (read about last year’s event here). It was held in the lovely patio of...

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First English wine, now English vodka

Whilst wandering around the London International Wine Fair, I took the second day to cross the hall to Distil which is the littleĀ brother event to the LIWF. Distil is a showcase for spirits- tequila, rum, whiskey, vodka, liquors, they were all there. The only problem with Distil is you can’t really spend a lot of time there...

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Cuban Cigars and Delamain Cognac at the Bluebird

When Penny from the Bluebird wineshop told me she was hosting a cigar and cognac tasting, I was excited, a bit hesitant but also very curious to attend a cigar and cognac tasting because I’d never been to one. Although I love a good Cuban (cigar or otherwise), cognac has a rather fusty old image in my mind and I didn’t...

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Miller’s Gin and Fever Tree Tonic

Usually I stick to writing about wine but this past weekend a rep from Martin Miller’s Gin was in the shop giving out samples. Now, I’m not a big fan of gin and tonic so I was a bit dubious of trying his gin but I screwed up my face and gave it go. In my mind, G&T’s conjure up the taste memory of a bitter,...

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