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Two of my favourite wine regions in the world are The Douro Valley in Portugal and Bourgogne in France. I have been invited to visit the region many times by various producers and generic wine bodies and some of my favourite visits have been organised by the Discover the Origin campaign. The aim of DTO is to explain the wines of...
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Phew! I am knackered. I’ve just finished my first week at my new job and I’m exhausted. When I signed up as Event Coordinator for the first urban winery in London, London Cru (opening to the public early Nov. 2013), they vaguely mentioned something about helping out with the vintage in the winery. I, of course, jumped...
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I visited Bourgogne not long ago and feel in love with the region. It’s a beautiful place, the rolling hills, small villages and of course the fabulous wines. My trip was sponsored by Discover the Origin and I recently received a video link from them which introduces the casual wine drinker to the region. I’m reposting...
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I love Champagne and it is one of the most popular high-end drinks on the market with people across the globe enjoying this bubbly beverage. French law states that, in order to be called champagne, drinks must be produced in designated areas within the Champagne region of the country and according to strict standards and processes....
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I try to visit the States in the summertime to keep a finger on the pulse of the American wine world and of course, to visit family and friends. This year, one of my first stops in the US was San Diego, Ca. I went to university in San Diego so I have a bit of a soft spot for the region but back in the day, there weren’t many...
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Champagne has long been the companion to special moments and selecting the right one can often seem impossible with so many goodies to choose from. Whether you love champagne by itself or only drink it on Christmas Day in your Bucks Fizz, with a good champagne cocktail it is possible to create a scrumptious drink to suit everyone’s...
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I received this recipe and info the other day and thought I would share it with you because I know quite a few people who suffer from IBS, including my sister. She tried this recipe and really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, if you have IBS you’re supposed to limit or even not drink(!) alcohol so I’m not giving a wine match...
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You know how to drink wine, but do you really know how to taste it? If you’re a novice wine taster, you may not realise that there is actually a complex process involved in helping you appreciate what you are drinking, and it’s important to master this if you are to demonstrate the right etiquette at those all important wine...
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Have you always wanted to experiment with pairing wine with food but find the whole idea confusing? Not sure which type of wine will enhance your meal and give it that rich tasting flavour to die for? Gone are the days when paring wine with your meals was as easy as ABC, when the rules of coupling white wine with white meat only...
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Now that the sun has finally agreed to cooperate, it’s time to find some cool and refreshing drinks to deal with the mini-heatwave we’re having at the moment. I usually turn to a nice Provencal rose or zesty white but I was recently introduced mead cocktails. Mead is usually associated with Merry Olde England and to be...
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