A little something for Valentine’s Day, Billecart Salmon Brut Rose

Feb 04, 13 A little something for Valentine’s Day, Billecart Salmon Brut Rose

Posted by in Champagne

Alright lovers, it’s that time of year again – Valentine’s Day!! I know, I know, many of you may be rolling  your eyes but let’s face it, if you don’t do something on Feb.14th, you’re going to be in big trouble with your significant other. Going out to dinner is VERY romantic on Valentines Day,...

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Berry Brothers joins the Twitterati-TTL and biodynamic wines

Berry Brothers & Rudd, only the oldest wine merchant in the world, wine purveyor to The Queen, rumoured to have  labrynthine cellars that stretch from St. James to Buckingham Palace – Has joined the twitterati. Not only have they joined the twitterati @winematters , they even did a Twitter Taste live from said cellars...

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