Nice work if you can get it, Devaux Champagne and Caviar matching

Feb 06, 17 Nice work if you can get it, Devaux Champagne and Caviar matching

Posted by in All, Champagne

I recently met a Caviar ambassador at a Devaux champagne and caviar pairing dinner. I mean if that’s not a dream job, I don’t know what is – having to come up with champagne and caviar food pairings. Oh sure, I suppose there is a downside, but I haven’t thought of it yet! The two seemed to be intertwined in most people’s minds so...

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Spur of the moment foodie weekend in Paris

Jan 18, 12 Spur of the moment foodie weekend in Paris

Posted by in France, Lifestyle, Travel

I always enjoy last minute trips the most. There’s something about the spontaneity of getting up and going without knowing anything about the trip. This trip was not entirely unknown, I did know we were going to be staying in Central Paris at the Hotel Tremoille and we were there to sample their champagne and caviar package....

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“Let them eat caviar”, thus spaketh Bob Bob

Let them eat caviar! Forget all those gloom and doom sayers, all those folks complaining about the state of our current situation. What we all need is to get down to Bob Bob Ricard in Soho to forget about our everyday woes and immerse ourselves in a spot of gustatory pampering. I’m talking about Bob Bob’s latest...

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