EWBC ’08 Bloggers Invitational-the wines

More from the EWBC ’08, this time it’s the Winebloggers Invitational and, to see me interviewed, check out the following link from VinusTV (click here) who were on hand to interview all us bloggers. It was great fun to see what the other bloggers brought for us to try. There were wines from as far away as Canada (a...

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EWBC ’08 and the Chapel Down ’07 English Rosé

Rioja vineyard On the plane back to England from the EWBC I was exhausted!! But what a weekend! I met loads of really great people, drank plenty of fabulous (and interesting) wines, visited some fantastic wineries, met the winemakers, had my eyes open to the possibilities out there regarding the web via the both the roundtable...

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Notes from the European Winebloggers Conference 08

The following are some of my notes from the European Winebloggers Conference 2008 (EWBC) in Rioja. Flying over the Bay of Biscay this morning, looking down onto the green craggy hills of the sun-drenched Spanish coast was a bit of a surprise. Over the years, I’ve visited Spain many times but always the southern coast of Spain...

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European Wine Bloggers Conference

As you can tell by the little badge to the right there, I’m a member of OpenWineConsortium. I love logging onto this site to see what’s going on in the wine world, what’s new and what people are talking about. I’d say that there are a fair amount of wine bloggers out there and the good folks of OWC have...

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