A case study and responses to BYOB in London

When I put out my little post asking why there wasn’t more BYOB in London, little did I know what a reaction I’d get! I seemed to have tapped into a wellspring of  discontent with the state of restaurant winelists and the ridiculously high markups that it seems many restaurants enforce. The response was incredible. Both...

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Why don’t we have more BYOB in London?

Bring Your Own Booze. Like doggie bags, it’s a concept  that hasn’t quite made it over the pond to the shores of Ol’ Blighty. Ask for a doggie bag and you more often than not get a look like you just asked for doggie style. BYOB? It seems you might as well be asking to bring your own food to a restaurant. But why...

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Palate Fatigue

The other day, after yet another tasting, my friend P.J. and I started discussing the pitfalls of the wine trade. I mean it’s not all wine and roses. Well, maybe it is but there is such as thing as too much of a good thing. Just as professional chocolate tasters must get tired of yet another exotic chocolate or chocolate...

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Hay Fever

One of the worst things that can happen to someone who tastes wine for a living has got to be hay fever. I should know as I am currently suffering from a severe attack. Not only is my nose a red, raw running mess but my eyes won’t stop watering and the constant sneezing is giving me stomach cramps. And to top it all off,...

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The Scots have an alcohol problem

Here’s an old Scottish joke to start off today. “Alcohol is your trouble” said the sheriff to the drunk. “Alcohol alone is responsible for your present predicament.” The drunk looked pleased as he said, “Yer lairdship’s maist kind. A’body else says it’s ma ain fault!”...

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