Guerilla Wine Tasting: A Guest Post from Gorilla

I’m so tired of wine being exclusive. I’m so bored of the London scene. Why can’t us Gorillas have some of the action? I love wine and I think I understand it, so I sent a message out to fellow wine lovers. “Join me by the river to explore and enjoy good wine.” We had fun. We had wine. You saw what all...

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[yellowtail] & Domino’s – the Anti-Valentine’s Day menu

” [yellow tail] is now regarded as a global phenomenon.  Exports are a little over 11 million cases per annum and over 2 million glasses of [yellow tail] are enjoyed around the world each day ” ….stats from the press kit I received the other day. Those are some statistics. I have to admit,...

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Pizza Express and their low alcohol wines

Low alcohol wine. In the wine trade it’s a dirty little secret that wineries, esp but not limited to New World wineries, use de-alcoholizing machines to reduce alcohol in their wines but is there another way to make wine that is low in alcohol yet still has flavour and body? Pizza Express has thrown down the gauntlet and is...

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…and now for something completely different-German syrah, Knipser 2003

Does this look like a German wine to you? Doesn’t look like the pale, watery German reds I’ve met in the past but this was no ordinary red, it was a German syrah. The Wine Rambler had done it again, surprising me with a German red the likes of which I had never encountered before, a lovely syrah from the Pfalz, better...

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Burgundy en primeur

I have discovered that there is an art to tasting Burgundy en primeur. And, as with all art, it’s something that takes time to master. I went along to Berry Bros & Rudd burgundy en primeur tasting a couple of weeks ago and it was an eye opening experience. Wandering around with various Masters of Wine in attendance, it...

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