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Posts Tagged "Red wine"
I’ve come to realize that I’ve got a love/hate relationship with Australian wine. Hate the cheap, supermarket stuff, love the premium vino. Well, can you blame me? Why couldn’t it be the other way around, love the cheap stuff, hate the expensive stuff – if only. I was at the fashionable French restaurant,...
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I seem to be on a beaujolais kick at the moment. I wonder if it’s because I had a Frenchwoman from Beaujolais staying with me? My friend Anne-Victoire of Miss Vicky Wines was in town to sell her wines. She put on a tasting at Borough Wines and featured not only her family wines but also a white Beaujolais! I had no idea...
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Beaujolais. Such a jaunty sounding word. It just seems like a happy place, doesn’t it? Well, it does to me. My first encounter with beaujolais was beaujolais nouveau. Not impressive, something to drink when you’ve got nothing better to do as far as I’m concerned. But to be fair, the Beaujolaises (I’m not...
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So there I was. It’s Thanksgiving and we are celebrating an American holiday here in London town. I had the day off and spent most of the afternoon defrosting the turkey. Once defrosted, popped into the oven and carefully basted every half hour until a lovely golden brown. Then the sides- potatoes, stuffing, sprouts, gravy,...
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My infatuation with Italian wine continues. A is for Amarone. B is for Brunello di Montelcino, bodalicious, complex, tasty, lipsmackingly satisfying (ok,so I’m skipping around the alphabet and making up words) you get the point, I do love those Italians. Growing up with only the familiar wicker covered funnily shaped bottles...
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