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Posts Tagged "restaurant"
Let them eat caviar! Forget all those gloom and doom sayers, all those folks complaining about the state of our current situation. What we all need is to get down to Bob Bob Ricard in Soho to forget about our everyday woes and immerse ourselves in a spot of gustatory pampering. I’m talking about Bob Bob’s latest...
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When eating sushi, wine is not most peoples drink of choice. By why not? What if I told you I prefer wine with Japanese food or, more specifically, sushi and wine? Why? How? Where? Well, it shouldn’t surprise you that I have wine with just about every meal but wine and sushi can be perfect dinner partners for everyone. Last...
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I lived in Buenos Aires for 3 years back in the day so I know a bit about Argentine cuisine, even if I was a vegetarian for 2 of those 3 years. Yes, I know, how could I, was I mad, etc… One thing I can say is that I’m a pretty good judge of Argentine cuisine. I can also tell you that when I visited Gaucho at the O2, I...
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