Catavino’s Iberian Wine & Web tasting at Vinoteca – the video

Last week Catavino (Ryan and Gabriella Opaz) based in Terrazas, (near Barcelona) Spain, were in town to do a bit of networking and stopped by Vinoteca to host an Iberian wine & web tasting. The Winesleuth was there to taste along with her fellow winebloggers, Spitton and Surf4Wine. There was a wide selection of whites and reds...

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Bibendum & Twitter Taste Live!

Bibendum had their annual trade tasting last week and what a show! It was at the new Saatchi Gallery in the old Duke of York’s HQ in Chelsea. They’ve done wonders with the old barracks, perfect gallery space with lots of connecting hallways and stairs to who-knows-where. Every turn revealed a delightful surprise of...

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