Charity lunch at Vivat Bacchus with Kaapzicht Wines and the Pebbles Project

Jun 01, 17 Charity lunch at Vivat Bacchus with Kaapzicht Wines and the Pebbles Project

Posted by in All

Vivat Bacchus, despite it’s Latinate name, is a wine bar and restaurant in Farringdon specialising in the wines of South Africa. Begun in the mid 2000’s by Gerrie Knoetze,  there are two branches in London, the other being at London Bridge. Vivat Bacchus mainly serves food influenced by Cape cuisine but also has British...

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Kaapzicht pinotage at a South African braai

During the recent World Cup fervor I attended a good old-fashioned South African braai sponsored by the Wines of South Africa at the Orangery in Kew Gardens. I’ve recently become a bit of a convert to South African wines and will even drink, *gasp* pinotage. However, it can’t be any pinotage, I do have my standards you...

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Diemersfontein pinotage

Jun 09, 10 Diemersfontein pinotage

Posted by in South Africa

Lately, I’ve been drinking some very good South African wine. S.A. wines used to be my whipping boy of wines. To say I was not a fan would be an understatement. I don’t know if it’s because of the World Cup or maybe it’s just we’re now getting better S.A. wines here in England but whatever it is,...

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Warwick Estate, S. African wine I like!

“Denise, there has been a slight change in our lunch plans today. Could you please call us? ” That was the first voice mail that greeted me on a recent Monday morning. I knew it was all that damn Icelandic volcano’s fault even before I returned the call. I was supposed to be attending a tasting and lunching with a...

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South Africa – not yet

Being from sunny California, I never really understood the Beatles’ song, “Here comes the sun” until I moved to England. Now I get it. The sun came out today and it definitely put a spring in my step. Out on the golf course today, I thought, life’s not so bad now, is it? I can’t say the same for S....

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