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Posts Tagged "Red wine"
One of the conversations I vaguely remember having at the Fernandez&Leluu dinner was with one of their helpers, Claire, co-founder and cook of another secret supper club, the Green Onion Supper Club situated in a Hackney council flat. What was even more appealing about Claire’s club was that she referred to herself as a...
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I was wandering around the Annual Wines of Portugal tasting the other day at Lord’s Cricket Ground (one day I must get there to see an actual cricket match as opposed to just going and sampling wine) looking for good value red wines. I came across Vinhas da Ciderma and their winemaker Monica Figueiredo pouring their range of...
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There are few things that are more enjoyable to me then spending a lazy lunch with good friends. Interesting conversation, fun people and good times. I consider myself most fortunate in that most of my friends are foodies/excellent cooks and found myself one afternoon at the house of my friend, Luiz (AKA The London Foodie). Luiz is...
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When eating sushi, wine is not most peoples drink of choice. By why not? What if I told you I prefer wine with Japanese food or, more specifically, sushi and wine? Why? How? Where? Well, it shouldn’t surprise you that I have wine with just about every meal but wine and sushi can be perfect dinner partners for everyone. Last...
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“It’s been a while since we had a wine meet up. Up for one this week? ” The Winerambler sent me that message one afternoon and who was I to refuse? He always has a great selection of German wines, many of which you just can’t get here in the UK. We had a selection of reds and whites but the most interesting...
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