Castello di Radda, premium Chianti Classico

Jun 20, 17 Castello di Radda, premium Chianti Classico

Posted by in All, Italy

Chianti is probably the most well known Italian wine brand around. We all think we know it but do we really? Recently I attended a dinner for Castello di Radda hosted by Italian wine expert Walter Speller. The dinner was at Sartoria in Mayfair and featured the wines of Castello di Radda paired with a four course meal. The evening...

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Reveilo Wines Revealed, Italian Winemaking in India

Apr 03, 17 Reveilo Wines Revealed, Italian Winemaking in India

Posted by in All

One afternoon my wine guide, Manoj, called and said today we are going to the eastern part of the Nashik Valley to visit Reveilo Winery. Up until now, we had focused on the western and northern parts of the Nashik so I was curious to see what differences there would be in the wines, if any. Reveilo certainly was different, the...

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Castello Banfi Brunello and a long Friday lunch

My infatuation with Italian wine continues. A is for Amarone. B is for Brunello di Montelcino, bodalicious, complex, tasty, lipsmackingly satisfying (ok,so I’m skipping around the alphabet and making up words) you get the point, I do love those Italians. Growing up with only the familiar wicker covered funnily shaped bottles...

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Italians at the Dorchester Hotel

Recession? What recession? The credit crunch apparently hasn’t hit the Italians as the annual Wines of Tuscany tasting (sponsored by the Italian Trade Commission) was held at one of London’s poshest hotels, The Dorchester in Mayfair. Can’t get any nicer then that. I’ve been slowly educating my tastebuds to...

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A bit of Italian for dinner

Remole by Frescobaldi What to have with dinner tonight is the perennial question. You could go with the old tried and true Aussie something or other or cheap new world red or white but what about Italy? I went to an Italian tasting not long ago and they are coming up in leaps and bounds. So, the other day, when I was staring at the...

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