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Posts Tagged "Red wine"
Before the pandemic, I had heard about the Hippodrome Wine Club and, as I had gone occasionally to the Hippodrome to gamble a bit, I think it’s a great idea that they have their own wine club. I received this press release and am happy to pass along this information to my readers. I’ll be in California later this month...
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Halloween is just round the corner but Fine Wines Direct already have Christmas in mind and invited me to participate in an online tasting earlier this week. They choose 10 wines that they think will be great for this holiday season. Fine Wines Direct are a small, independent wine importer based in Cardiff. They have a huge...
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On a cold, grey, rainy (read: typical) London January day, I made my way to the Boxcar Butcher & Grill in Marylebone for a few bottles of Australian sunshine courtesy of Hay Shed Hill Wines. Owner and winemaker Michael Kerrigan was in town to show off his wines to the lucky ones of us gathered around the dining table. Michael...
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I was in Montpellier recently to do a bit of judging for the 2018 Milliseme Bio trade fair. It’s always nice to escape to the South of France in the middle of winter and when it’s to do a bit of winetasting, all the more fun. While I was there, part of my visit was an excursion to Domaine Henry. The domaine is right...
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I was recently invited to St. Chinian by their growers association to not only learn a bit more about the wines but also to discover the wine tourism that they have going on there. If you thought it was all vineyards and wine tastings only, there’s a lot more to explore.Saint Chinian is in the Languedoc region of southern...
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